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Track Your Trade Ideas for Free and Learn How to Trade Smarter!

By David Hoffman, Founder and CEO of MarketsAI Corp, July 15, 2024
It is fun to think about all the great trading ideas we had about our favorite stocks. We all watched Apple, Facebook, and Google stock prices’ rise with confidence. These were great stocks that can really improve our financial fortunes if we own them in our portfolio. Yet when we log in to our online trading accounts, we struggle to make those trades from fear of lack of experience. “How do I actually manage a trade when my own money is at risk?”

How will you feel when you see your trading account going down in value on a stock you were sure about? What will you do when a stock you love goes higher: take profit or let it ride? What should you do when news comes out for a stock you own, and you are fairly sure the news is not good: get out or stay in? All these choices and feelings take practice to master, so why should you use real money to practice?

At Markets AI we have built directly into our news and information service, a trading simulator so you can practice trading stocks on the news you read about. Our system is called Trade Tracker, and all you need to try it is to click on the Blue Icon handshake:

We put this Icon next to every single news story and analyst call that stream on our platform. If you see a story that makes you think “I want to simulate a trade,” click on the blue handshake, type your reason for making the trade, and click buy or sell. That’s it, your trade is being Tracked! We do all the work for you, including recording the traded price, showing you up to the second how the trade is doing, your percentage gain or loss when you close out the trade. We will even store the reasons you bought and sold the stock so you can learn about your thought process at the time. The graphics make it so easy; you will quickly learn how you would react and how to manage your risk better.
With Trade Tracker, you are on your way to learning how to be a smarter trader! For even greater knowledge, click on the Community Chest Icon and see some of the trades the Markets AI community is buying or selling.

Welcome to MarketsAI. We know you are going to love all the amazing features and ideas that come from our new generation of AI software. It is free to try, and we think it will make our subscribers Trade Smarter!

David Hoffman
CEO of MarketsAI

Look for more blogs about all the amazing features of our new website and mobile applications coming soon!

Picture of David Hoffman

David Hoffman

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